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Writer's pictureVictor Nwoko

Conjoined twins given days to live are proving world wrong

Ibrahima kept his daughters Marieme and Ndeye in the UK to stay under the medical supervision of Great Ormond Street Hospital

Marieme and Ndeye defied grim prognoses after their birth, initially not expected to survive beyond a few days. Now, at the age of seven, they stand as Europe's lone growing conjoined twins. Despite their shared physicality, each possesses distinct personalities and emotions, their symbiotic bond indispensable for their continued existence.

Their father, Ibrahima, reflects on their remarkable journey, remarking, "When you are told from the beginning there is no future, you just live for the present." Indeed, the rarity of conjoined twins is stark, with only about one in every 500,000 live births in the UK. Typically, half are stillborn, and another third succumb within the first 24 hours.

The girls' seventh birthday celebration, surrounded by classmates, not only brings joy to Ibrahima but also serves as a testament to the dedicated medical professionals who have tirelessly supported them. While Marieme and Ndeye share a pair of legs and a pelvis, each possesses an individual spinal cord and heart. Their round-the-clock care notwithstanding, they attend a mainstream school in south Wales, embracing life alongside their peers.

Ibrahima proudly describes his daughters as fighters, defying expectations at every turn. Marieme exudes a quiet, introspective demeanor, contrasting sharply with Ndeye's spirited independence. Despite the challenges, Ibrahima considers it a profound privilege to witness their indomitable spirit in their ongoing battle for life.

The twins' journey began in Senegal in 2016, where their parents, expecting only one child, were confronted with the reality of conjoined twins. Prepared for the worst, Ibrahima recalls mentally bracing himself for their imminent loss. However, their resilience became evident early on, prompting the family's relentless pursuit of medical intervention.

Marieme and Ndeye share some major organs and they also have their own separate organs

Seeking assistance worldwide, the family eventually found hope at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London in 2017. However, hopes of separation were dashed when tests revealed Marianne's fragile heart, rendering the procedure too risky. Faced with an agonizing choice, Ibrahima refused to sacrifice one daughter for the other, opting to keep them together despite the dire prognosis.

As their mother returned to Africa to care for their siblings, Marieme, Ndeye, and Ibrahima remained in the UK, forging a new life in Cardiff. Despite the challenges of being away from home, Ibrahima remained steadfast in his commitment to his daughters' well-being, embracing his role as their primary caregiver.

Marieme and Ndeye weren't expected to last a few days but have defied medical expectations and grown stronger

Integration into their Cardiff community brought its own set of challenges, yet the twins now thrive with round-the-clock support. Attending mainstream school, they receive assistance from dedicated classroom support workers, fostering their sense of belonging and individuality within society.

The twins' current milestone involves efforts to stand and walk, a feat previously deemed improbable. Despite the uncertainties that lie ahead, Ibrahima remains resolute in his determination to cherish each day as a gift, refusing to dwell on the unknown. Amidst the trials, Marieme and Ndeye continue to be a source of immeasurable joy, their resilience a constant reminder of life's profound blessings.


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