Kim Jong Un 'selects 25 virgin girls every year to serve him in his Pleasure Squad', claims defector who says she was short-listed for the dictator's harem
Kim Jong Un annually chooses 25 virgin girls to entertain him personally in a disturbing 'pleasure squad,' according to a North Korean defector.
Yeonmi Park, 30, claimed that officials "visit every classroom and... even go to school-yards in case they missed someone that was pretty" during their searches for young women, according to The Star.
After undergoing medical examinations to check their virginity, the women then "have to learn how to please these men—that's their only goal," she said.
According to the outspoken YouTuber, Kim's officials select women based on social status and attractiveness, reserving the most attractive ones for the dictator himself, while the "less stunning members... ordered to cater to the needs of lower-ranking generals and politicians."
The 'Pleasure Squad' is reportedly divided into three groups: one specializing in massages, another in entertainment like singing and dancing, and a third prepared for intimate encounters with Kim and others.
Ms. Park, who fled the regime as a teenager and was allegedly trafficked in China before reaching America, claims that the luxury lifestyle within the Pleasure Squad is often short-lived, with women being cast out in their mid-twenties. Some are married off to Kim's bodyguards, and there are rumors that the leader's wife was once part of the Pleasure Squad.
The system reportedly evolved as a family tradition, with Kim Jong Un favoring "slender," taller, and "western-looking" women, while his father preferred round-faced women. Kim Il-Sung, his grandfather, had his own group called the Pochonbo Electronic Ensemble, according to Ms. Park.
Little is known about life inside North Korea, and in 2010, one defector told Marie Claire magazine about her experience being taken at 15 into Kim Jong-Il's Kippumjo, or Pleasure Squad.
Mi-Hyang, the defector, claimed she was not allowed to speak to her family during her time there and knew she would be executed if she tried to escape.
Critics have cast doubt on stories from defectors like Ms. Park, with some noting "serious inconsistencies" within her stories. She has admitted that her English skills and childhood memories may have led to errors in her recollection.