They're definitely not supposed to go there! Man, 48, left in agony after sticking sim card extractor tool, electrical cable and rubber band into his penis
A man experienced severe discomfort after inserting a sim card extractor tool, electrical cable, and a rubber band into his urethra.
The 48-year-old, hailing from Indonesia, informed doctors that he had never engaged in such behavior previously.
He sought medical assistance when he began having difficulty urinating, leading to a dribbling sensation. Tests indicated kidney failure and a urinary tract infection (UTI). An X-ray revealed an opaque object resembling a wire, causing a bladder stone to form, contributing to his painful symptoms.
Surgeons successfully removed a stone measuring 5 x 3cm, with the sim card tool at its core. Further examination revealed an electrical cable measuring 10cm and an 8cm needle secured with a rubber band, both of which were also extracted.
Despite being sexually active and without prior psychiatric history, the man was diagnosed with an adjustment disorder by psychiatrists, who prescribed antipsychotic medication.
Follow-up assessments showed improvement in kidney function and normal urination within a week post-procedure. At a subsequent appointment six weeks later, the patient reported no complications and normal kidney function.
While such cases are rare, doctors emphasize the need for research to enhance understanding and management of similar incidents.
Additionally, sounding, the act of inserting objects into the penis for sexual pleasure, has seen an uptick in reported urethral issues, as men explore new sexual experiences. Doctors advise caution and awareness of potential risks associated with such practices.